Without this dream

Mar 23, 2022


this fragile heart
yielded to pressure
love so blind
Emptiness crept in
hurt, confused
Who are you?
without this dream

Something delicate
a carapace
How naive to believe
without knowing
an other way
of knowing
this is me
this is us

So thanks
for nothing
I expected less
became a butterfly
went down in flames
rose up again
not yet a phoenix
channeling hurt

Electromagnetic scars
drew you to me
I was pleased
to wear the blindfold
and drop the mask
only to see it
again and again
in dreams

Broken phoenix
I tried to not see
but saw nonetheless
All these pieces
never mattered
I was alone




Exploratory mystical verbal visual expression. Even if you feel like you are speaking to the choir or hearing crickets, there is power in expressing your truth.